© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Boeung Kak Lake Beach

Boeung Kak Lake residents who held out and are included in the 12,44Ha on-site development enjoy the cool evening breeze on their new beach… But it is all beach and no more water… The lake is filled.

And this story is probably not over yet. It seems (unverified info) that some 20 plots of the on-site area were attributed to Shukaku development company, the very same company who evicted nearly 3000 families…

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 13/09/2011: Girls enjoying cool drink on new beach near boat from lake filled with sand by development company Shukaku responsible for the  Boeung Kak lake eviction involving 4000 families.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 13/09/2011: Girls enjoying cool drink on new beach near boat from lake filled with sand by development company Shukaku responsible for the Boeung Kak lake eviction involving 4000 families.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 13/09/2011: Owner walking back to his house being drowned with sand by development company Shukaku responsible for the  Boeung Kak lake eviction involving 4000 families. Some 750 families obtained 12,44 Ha to do an on site development.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 13/09/2011: Owner walking back to his house being drowned with sand by development company Shukaku responsible for the Boeung Kak lake eviction involving 4000 families. Some 750 families obtained 12,44 Ha to do an on site development.

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