© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Match 109

BELGIUM. Brussels. 09/08/1979: Participants at Meyboom festival.

BELGIUM. Brussels. 09/08/1979: Participants at Meyboom festival.

CAMBODIA. Poipet.  8/01/2001: Cambodian children on the Thai side of the border try to make some money by offering shelter to the people crossing the border.

CAMBODIA. Poipet. 8/01/2001: Cambodian children on the Thai side of the border try to make some money by offering shelter to the people crossing the border.

Do you remember the rules for the ‘Match’ series?
Rule Nr 1: two pictures, similar in content or style, but taken 15 years apart.
Rule Nr 2: rules may be overruled…
Just one way to revisit the archive…

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