© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Match 75

Ok… Back to the Match series. Remember: there is at least 15 years between two similar pictures…

First the Water in Sahel story. That was in 1985. Then the Svan story from ‘Peuples d’en Haut‘: was in 1999.

NIGER. Toula. 07/12/1985: Rice harvest in an irrigated perimeter along the Niger river.

NIGER. Toula. 07/12/1985: Rice harvest in an irrigated perimeter along the Niger river.

GEORGIA. Ujguli. 27/08/99: Hay harvest. The economy of the village relies almost entirely on cattle and hay storage is vital for survival during the winter. The hay fields are 3 to 4 hours by foot from the village. Today a few trucks carry back the hay.

GEORGIA. Ujguli. 27/08/99: Hay harvest. The economy of the village relies almost entirely on cattle and hay storage is vital for survival during the winter. The hay fields are 3 to 4 hours by foot from the village. Today a few trucks carry back the hay.

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