© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Development on Website

I have added a set of pictures with landscapes of development sites in Phnom Penh on my website. No people. No evictees. No victims. Just landscapes…

Thousands of people were evicted from most of these sites. I haven’t got a clue where most of these people are now. Back in their native village? I doubt it. Many of them were raised if not born on the land they were evicted from anyhow. Why would they go back to unknown territory? It is more likely they filled the ranks of those who are now living on the edge, their fragile economical situation having been disrupted.

Development comes at a cost. And it is not the developers who are paying the price.

You can view the landscapes here

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 26/12/2010: Koh Pich Island development.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 26/12/2010: Koh Pich Island development.

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