© John Vink / Magnum Photos


20 years ago it started

20 years ago it started in Hungary. The first domino to fall, followed by Czechoslowakia, East Germany, Romania… 1989 was an incredible year…

End of March I was in Hungary to work on a chapter of the Refugees book. There were pro-democracy demonstrations in the streets… Little did we know how far this would go.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 15/03/1989: Opposition demonstration before the change of regime in Hungary.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 15/03/1989: Opposition demonstration before the change of regime in Hungary.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 15/03/1989: Opposition demonstration before the change of regime in Hungary.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 15/03/1989: Opposition demonstration before the change of regime in Hungary.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 15/03/1989: Opposition demonstration before the change of regime in Hungary.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 15/03/1989: Opposition demonstration before the change of regime in Hungary.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 24/03/1989: Pro democracy demonstrations announcing the regime change.

HUNGARY. Budapest. 24/03/1989: Pro democracy demonstrations announcing the regime change.

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