© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Archive for the 'Latest Productions' Category

About Voter’s Lists…

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Quickly before my plane for Myanmar leaves tonight… The CNRP (Cambodian National Rescue Party), a fusion between the ‘Sam Rainsy Party’ and the ‘Human Rights Party’, staged a fairly successfull demonstration on ‘Democracy Square’, gathering some 2000 militants to request a ‘reset’ of the voters’s list ahead of the coming general elections in July. The […]

Back to the Roots…

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

The Khmer New year holidays are over, Tep Vanny, the Community Representative who was awarded the Global Leadership Award by the Vital Voices Foundation in Washington is back in Phnom Penh… So it is back to square one on the Boeung Kak Lake issue. The community felt misquoted by the (departing) Governor of Phnom Penh […]

As a Tourist in Singapore…

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

Three nights and four days in Singapore on a family holiday: long hours walking on sidewalks without obstacles, zapping along on an smooth public transportation system, going from one attraction to another and lava-hot credit cards. Singapore is impressively efficient. All the pictures are taken with the Fuji X100S… The lens doesn’t have the sharpness […]


Friday, April 12th, 2013

This happens twice a year, at Pchum Benh and for Khmer New Year: Phnom Penh comes to a standstill as it little by little empties itself from its inhabitants who join their families at their birthplace for the celebrations (see also here)… Needless to say that these population movements contribute generously to the already apalling […]

Switched to Slower Mode…

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Was it the 40°C heat from the last days? I’m staying too many hours hidden in the shadow, in front of the computer, preparing things and travels (travels? yes travels… stay tuned…), and enjoyed the STRONG breeze in Kep.

Development Landscapes

Friday, April 5th, 2013

The series is ongoing. So is the development on Koh Pich Island where many families were evicted from… See here for more…

A Fine Thread

Monday, April 1st, 2013

I am working on ‘A Fine Thead’, my next ebook about the garment industry workers which hopefully will be released in time for the opening of an exhibition on the walls of the French Embassy in Phnom Penh at the end of May. Meanwhile ‘Same Same‘, ‘Royal Silence‘ and ‘30 Years for a Trial‘ are […]

Any reason to stop now?..

Friday, March 29th, 2013

It seems there isn’t. Two days after Yorm Bopha was denied bail by the Supreme Court, the Boeung Kak Lake ladies were in front of the Royal Palace, seeking an intervention by King Norodom Sihamoni for her liberation. There were about 40 of them. And at least as many policemen in uniform under the shadow […]