© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Archive for the 'Latest Productions' Category

Abdication/Coronation festivities for Belgian Royals…

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

A big crowd of Belgians attended the festivities held on the occasion of King AlbertII abdicating in favour of his son King Philippe/Filip. The sun shone bright. Also see here when King Baudouin passed away and AlbertII became King. More on Belgium at these links: here, here, and here. And more recently here and here.

Belgium Warming Up For Coronation

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Well, at least Brussels is warming up for the coronation of King Philippe/Filip. Saturday it was about going to the ‘Foire du Midi’ followed by dancing, eating sausages or snails, drinking beer and dancing with a crown saying ‘merci’ to abdicating Albert II on your head. Also see here when King Baudouin passed away and […]

Summer? Must be scanning time…

Monday, July 15th, 2013

My short yearly trip to Europe has three advantages: I can eat strawberries for breakfast, and I can scan old negatives while AT THE SAME TIME watching the Tour de France. A few of the never edited/never published/never scanned photographs from my 1985 trip to Burkina Faso. From the story ‘Water in Sahel‘ you can […]


Monday, July 1st, 2013

Quickly on the way back from Kep: rainy season has started. The first rice seedlings are already big enough to be transplanted. It is the hardest part of rice growing: ripping off the rice seedlings from the drenched soil, bundling the stems, tying them together to bring them to a bigger irrigated plot. The bent […]

Election Campaign Has Started…

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

After two weeks of mud-throwing, threatening predictions and salacious revelations, the 2013 Cambodian Legislative Election campaign has officially started with both main parties, the ruling CPP and the opposition CNRP, staging massive parades in the city of Phnom Penh.

Casinos Also Have Workers…

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

The casino business is thriving in Cambodia. The border gates are packed with them, catering Thai and Vietnamese and many more. Naga World Casino in Phnom Penh was probably the first one, initially located on a boat at the confluence of the Bassac and the Tonle Sap. Business must have been good. They built a […]

I Lost Count On Demos…

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

I honestly can’t remember how many times the Boeung Kak Lake community walked over to the Phnom Penh Municipality building over the last 4 years to hold a protest… This time it was about a follow-up on the land titles for 48 families who are to be included in the 12,44 Ha granted to the […]

Corrupted Officials Burn…

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Boeung Kak Lake community members staged a cursing ceremony in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) this morning. They planned to drag puppets representing corrupt officials to the Council of Ministers but were prevented from doing so by units of riot police which blocked the acces roads. The puppets were then dragged onto the sand which fills the […]