© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Archive for the 'Latest Productions' Category

A One Party Parliament?..

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Invited by King Norodom Sihamoni, everyone but the newly elected opposition CNRP MP’s showed up under dark skies at the opening session of the new Cambodian legislature. The other 2013 elections photographs are HERE.

Hunger Strike Might Be Short Lived…

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Members of the Boeung Kak lake and Borei Keila communities are gathered for a hunger strike under a kiosk at Wat Phnom to protest the outcome of the 2013 cambodian elections which were allegedly rife with fraud. Their protest will most likely be short lived and they, just like their predecessor Prince Sisowath Thomico a […]

No Sunday Break…

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Yet another petition delivery attempt to King Norodom Sihamoni regarding the 2013 Cambodian elections was succesfull. About 200 people marched from Wat Unalom, were stopped at the police roadblock, prayed and pleaded, and after an hour or so were allowed through by means of 4 delegates. And then we hear that the 55 newly elected […]

The King Is The Focal Point…

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Well, for now at least… The gathering organised by the Working Group for Peace (WGP) had some difficulty getting to get started because a huge police force showed up at 7:00AM at Wat Phnom where WGP had planned to celebrate World Peace Day. But the authorities are quite edgy these days… They kicked out Prince […]

Princely Hunger Strike…

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Prince Sisowath Thomico, a member of the opposition CNRP (and ousted from the FUNCINPEC a few years ago), planned to start a hunger strike at the riverfront pagoda this morning at 10:00 to protest the results of the 2013 parliamentary election results, but he had to revise his plan and settle for Wat Phnom. Only […]

Monks Are Citizens…

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

A little less than 100 monks tried to reach the Royal Palace in the afternoon to pray for peace and to ask King Sihamoni to postpone the opening session of the National Assembly. The newly elected opposition CNRP MP’s refuse to attend as their demands for an independent investigation regarding the frauds during the 2013 […]

A Few 2nd takes From The 3 CNRP Days…

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Here are a few second takes from the 3 day long demonstrations by the opposition CNRP at Freedom Park, protesting the 2013 legislative elecions. All the other photographs of the 2013 elections can be seen HERE on my regularly updated website…

Day 3, Afternoon And End…

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

The three days of mass protest at Freedom Park organised by the opposition CNRP are over… Finished… Until next time. For sure the protest was a success in terms of numbers of participants and of levels of enthusiasm. If they provided the leverage needed for the CNRP in the discussions between the ruling CPP and […]