DAY ???
Thursday, August 6th, 2009Euh… I have lost count… Should pick up the thread properly again… Anyhow, here are a few pics of today at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Not such a bad day…
Euh… I have lost count… Should pick up the thread properly again… Anyhow, here are a few pics of today at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Not such a bad day…
Day 26 is the last one for me at the ECCC for some time: I’ll be off to Brussels this saturday and be back in Penh at the beginning of August. I sure am going to miss quite a bit: the testimonies of Mam Nay, interrogator at S21, Him Houy, guard at S21. They are […]
Things caught up again after one week of intermission…
So, this is the first book about the Khmer Rouge explaining to schoolchildren what it was (is?) about… DCCAM is distributing the book by and large. Here to the 2000 students of the NGO Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE) which provides schooling and professional training to kids from the Stung Meanchey garbage dump. Story nr […]
Just minor hickups… Next week no tribunal… They take a week off and we will switch to something else for a while. The Pretrial Chambers might have something going on though…
Before heading for the Kambol KR trial, there was a demo demanding the release of Aung San Suu Kyi in front of the Myanmar embassy. Just wondering: are her tormentors eligible for a similar trial?