Abkhazia: A Sidelined Country
Friday, September 23rd, 2011I added pictures from the story ‘Abkhazia: A Sidelined Country’, taken back in 1999 on my website…
I added pictures from the story ‘Abkhazia: A Sidelined Country’, taken back in 1999 on my website…
I added a story with pictures about reading in Paris on my website. Old set of negatives, re-scanned. Old pictures made during an assignment when I was at Agence Vu…
Vann Nath, born in Battambang province in 1946, passed away… He was one of the three remaining survivors of the S21 interrogation center. Now only two are left. The trial of four ‘most responsible’ and elderly Khmer Rouge leaders should start early 2012… Unless they too pass away… I feel immensely privileged to have had […]
I just added my story of the 1989 Romanian Revolution on my website… Nice new scans…
Vann Nath, one of the very few survivors of S21, suffered a stroke and is in a coma. Richard Rechtman, Psyhiatrist and Anthropologist, said about him : “Vann Nath is probably the first witness I meet who bears witness to nothing but forces the others to testify”. See this and this…
A selection of never before edited pictures out of the 912 scans done lately… More on that assignment about reading…
A selection of never before edited pictures out of the 912 scans done lately… These are from an assignment we had at ‘Agence Vu’ about reading…
So the Berlin wall was erected on August 13th 1961 and fell down on November 9th 1989. I did a story in 1997-98 about Berlin which was in full reconstruction and redefining itself as the capital of Germany, nearly 10 years after the wall disappeared. It is right here on my website…