© John Vink / Magnum Photos


108 Landscapes

Old and recent. Just landscapes… Here

BELGIUM. Blankenberge. 1/5/1970.

BELGIUM. Blankenberge. 1/5/1970.

CAMBODIA. Prey Chit (Koh Kong). 23/08/2009: Land which is under threat of an eviction. On October 12th, 43 families from four different villages received an ultimatum issued by the Court of Koh Kong to leave their home by October 27th, apparently to solve a land dispute involving 200 Ha between Sok Khong and Heng Huy, two owners of very big plantations nearby. The people live there since 1983.

CAMBODIA. Prey Chit (Koh Kong). 23/08/2009: Land which is under threat of an eviction. On October 12th, 43 families from four different villages received an ultimatum issued by the Court of Koh Kong to leave their home by October 27th, apparently to solve a land dispute involving 200 Ha between Sok Khong and Heng Huy, two owners of very big plantations nearby. The people live there since 1983.

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