© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Khmeropédies III on website

I uploaded the pictures of ‘Khmeropédies III’ on my website. Choreographed by Emmanuèle Phuon, the piece is seeking the fusion of classical Khmer dance techniques and contemporary dance. Clearly, fusion is an enrichment for all.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 25/08/2011: Last rehearsal of the last part of the 'Khmeropédies' trilogy by Amrita dancers, choreographed by Emmanuèle Phuon.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 25/08/2011: Last rehearsal of the last part of the 'Khmeropédies' trilogy by Amrita dancers, choreographed by Emmanuèle Phuon.

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