© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Match 76

Still more than 15 years apart and still from the Water in Sahel story. And then from the Dey Krohom eviction story a picture I did not use in the final edit.

MALI. Gao. 13/02/1987: Man drinking water from well.

MALI. Gao. 13/02/1987: Man drinking water from well.

CAMBODIA. Oudong (Kandal). 17/12/2009: All the families which were dumped at Damnak Trayoung after the Jan. 2008 Dey Krohom eviction, finally, after one year, were taken to a place, in a rice field 40 km from Phnom Penh, where they will be able to claim ownership for a 4x8m plot. The water comes from a pond.

CAMBODIA. Oudong (Kandal). 17/12/2009: All the families which were dumped at Damnak Trayoung after the Jan. 2008 Dey Krohom eviction, finally, after one year, were taken to a place, in a rice field 40 km from Phnom Penh, where they will be able to claim ownership for a 4x8m plot. The water comes from a pond.

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