Match 25
The first picture is from the Belgium selection series.
The second is from the Cambodian 2003 elections.
Besides some visual similarities, there are others… The existence of Belgium as a country is threatened. Cambodia as a country thinks it is threatened.
But the real trick here is that Sam Rainsy just was condemned in absentia to 10 years imprisonment for having faked official documents (maps of the border with Vietnam). Another way to read this is: how to get rid of your main political opponent. (It looks so incredibly familiar to Singaporean politics.)
So… Who is left opposite of the people in power? No one? Oh, but then can you still call Cambodia a democratic country?
In Belgium there is so much democracy that it seems the people who represent the people are invested with so much power (because they are in control of the extremely intricate institutions) that they tell the people they represent what they should think. And the voters will end up in a situation maybe they didn’t want.