© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Edited not Scanned 11

Ok, these are the last pictures which were edited nearly 10 years ago and never scanned. Time to move on to new production (if the torture sessions at the dentist allow it)…

CAMBODIA. Chran Bak (Battambang). 15/02/2001: Settlers attending cock fights in former war zone.

CAMBODIA. Chran Bak (Battambang). 15/02/2001: Settlers attending cock fights in former war zone.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 11/05/2001: Annual Ploughing Ceremony on the Royal Cremation grounds in front of the Fine Arts Museum.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 11/05/2001: Annual Ploughing Ceremony on the Royal Cremation grounds in front of the Fine Arts Museum.

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