© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Shorter Loop for the CNRP…

The 6th opposition CNRP motorcade, pacing along at fast-walking speed, didn’t push too far along the streets of Phnom Penh this time. The agenda is still the same: have Prime Minister Hun Sen step down, following the July 2013 elections the CNRP claims to have won.

For now, the response from the government to the daily demonstrations is still the same as well: restraint on the repression front (no riot police to be spotted along the way) but officials saying that any transgression of the law shall be met with force if needed.

The difference compared to yesterday’s demonstration is the smaller amount of supporters along the road. It’s not that there are none, but there are less. People being better off along Kampuchea Krom Boulevard might be an explanation.

Yesterday’s demonstration is HERE

More on the 2013 elections aftermath HERE.

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