© John Vink / Magnum Photos


World Teacher’s Day, Cambodian Style…

Called upon by Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodian Independent Teacher’s Association, about 300 teachers showed up at Freedom Park on the occasion of International World Teacher’s Day. They ask for better wages and an end of corruption which riddles the profession. 6-year old children experience their first corruption at school when they have to pay a few hundred riel each day to their teacher in order to attend the classes that will allow them to pass a grade. The tariff for a student who passed the baccalauréat and wants to learn to become a high-school teacher is a whopping 3,000$US.

The initial plan of the protesters to march to the Ministry of Education to deliver a petition was put aside as a great number of riot police blocked the exit roads from the place.

An undercover policeman with a fake press pass and a suspicious bulge in his belt resembling a handgun was confronted by CNRP MP Mu Sochua. When he tried to escape and was caught by an angry mob, part of which protected him from another part which started to beat him up, fellow policemen came to his rescue and carried him away. The gun was later handed over to a prosecutor.

Have a nice Sunday. Tomorrow the teachers will teach again for a pitifully low salary…

HERE is a story I did about education issues in Cambodia…

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