© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Day 1, Evening 1…

Yes I know I’m late. I had something to eat…

The CNRP rally at Freedom Park went on smoothly while many CNRP supporters (and non-CNRP supporters) got quite irritated at the numerous road blocks decorated with razor wire and riot police spread all over town. There were incidents at Wat Unalom where CNRP supporters tore down a barbed wire fence and were then greeted with fire hoses and a fairly mild tear gas the police must have been keen to try out. CNRP President Sam Rainsy came down afterwards to bring back the crowd to Freedom Place where the sleep-in started. Other incidents were reported at a barricade near Independence Monument and another one at the Norodom flyover later this evening.

EDIT: During the night 29 year old Mao Sok Chan was killed when returning home after work by a bullet fired by the police at a road block people tried to tear down as it caused a traffic jam.

The 2013 elections photographs are HERE.

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