© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Myanmar Update…

I am back from long walks in the mountain and hooked up on a rickety WiFi in bordertown Tachileik. I have been thinking on how to link two very different places like Ksieng Tong and Tachileik, ethnic minorities and a town bordering Thailand. Having talked with a few Akha, Enn, Palaung and Wa, it seems, like anywhere else, pressure to normalise is on them as well. Their small plots of land are not sufficient anymore to nourish their families, making their situation unsustainable and triggering rural migration as well as cultural alienation.

Covering the sleazy side of Tachileik is not going to be a piece of cake as it seems impossible to rely on local or even international NGO’s like World Vision who are not authorised to talk to tourists… Fear of authorities is still very common here…

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