King N. Sihanouk Funeral, day 10…
The official mourning period for King Norodom Sihanouk of 7 days ended yesterday. Attendance in front of the Royal Palace has drastically declined, suddenly revealing those who were probably there the previous days but went mostly unnoticed, drowned as they were in the crowds of worshippers: the street children eking out a living by selling candles some others had snatched away previously, the beggars, the incense and lotus flower sellers.
All the photographs from the past days are to be found at this link.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 24/10/2012: Street children in front of the Royal Palace on the 10th day after the death of King Norodom Sihanouk waiting for an opportunity to snatch away candles left by the worshippers.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 24/10/2012: Street children in front of the Royal Palace on the 10th day after the death of King Norodom Sihanouk waiting for an opportunity to snatch away candles left by the worshippers.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 24/10/2012: Street children in front of the Royal Palace on the 10th day after the death of King Norodom Sihanouk scratching the wax from melted candles to be recycled.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 24/10/2012: Nuns in front of the Royal Palace on the 10th day after the death of King Norodom Sihanouk, looking at a picture of the moon in which they believe seeing the face of the king.
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