© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Mine Awareness Day

That is today, April 4th. Mines are bad. UXO’s are bad. Everyone knows that. Even those who continue producing the stuff…

Handicap International makes people stand up after they were blown to pieces. They would rather do something else. Support them in banning the usage of mines and cluster bombs.

Here is what they don’t like to do in Cambodia…

CAMBODIA. Chrey (Takeo). 2/09/2008: IN Buoy, 34 yrs. He was injured in 1995 by the explosion of a B40 RPG he was manipulating. Two people were killed  during the incident. He was amputated on the right leg and left hand and kept three fingers on his right hand. He was looking after the cows at the time and still does today because of the accident.

CAMBODIA. Chrey (Takeo). 2/09/2008: IN Buoy, 34 yrs. He was injured in 1995 by the explosion of a B40 RPG he was manipulating. Two people were killed during the incident. He was amputated on the right leg and left hand and kept three fingers on his right hand. He was looking after the cows at the time and still does today because of the accident.

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