© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Springville Middle School Sends Ripples to Borei Keila

The ‘ripples’ are school stuff bought with money collected by American schoolchildren: pencils, notebooks, blackboards. Most of the Borei Keila children had theirs buried amidst the rubble during their eviction. Some of them now live with their parents in the market stalls located under the Phanimex buildings because they can at least still go to their former school. The kids forcibly evicted to Oudong have no school to go to nearby.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 29/02/2012: SENG Theary, head of NGO Civicus, distributing school material collected by a U.S. middle school to children of evicted Borei Keila residents.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 29/02/2012: SENG Theary, head of NGO Civicus, distributing school material collected by a U.S. middle school to children of evicted Borei Keila residents.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 29/02/2012: Evicted Borei Keila residents have sought a temporary refuge in the market stalls underneath the buildings built by the company which evicted them.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 29/02/2012: Evicted Borei Keila residents have sought a temporary refuge in the market stalls underneath the buildings built by the company which evicted them.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 29/02/2012: Evicted Borei Keila residents have sought a temporary refuge in the market stalls underneath the buildings built by the company which evicted them.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 29/02/2012: Evicted Borei Keila residents have sought a temporary refuge in the market stalls underneath the buildings built by the company which evicted them.

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