© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Borei Keila dumped…

120 evicted Borei Keila families are dumped behind Oudong, not far from the stupas of the Cambodian kings. But 45 Km from their initial home. They join those who were evicted last November. There are two wells. For more than 120 families? Yes… And there is nothing else but dust and a blazing sun. LICADHO provides emergency medical care under a few blankets tied to bamboo sticks to provide some shadow. The evicted are entitled 124$ and a plot of land of 5×12 meter.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Da, Oudong (Kandal). 5/01/2012:  Evicted from Borei Keila unloading from truck at relocation site for 120 families. Each family is supposed to receive a plot of land of 5x12 meter and 125$ as a compensation.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Da, Oudong (Kandal). 5/01/2012: Evicted from Borei Keila unloading from truck at relocation site for 120 families. Each family is supposed to receive a plot of land of 5x12 meter and 125$ as a compensation.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Da, Oudong (Kandal). 5/01/2012: Evicted resident with rescued door at relocation site for 120 families evicted from Borei Keila.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Da, Oudong (Kandal). 5/01/2012: Evicted resident with rescued door at relocation site for 120 families evicted from Borei Keila.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Da, Oudong (Kandal). 5/01/2012: Some of the 120 families evicted from Borei Keila try to avoid the heat under makeshift shelters. There are two wells nearby but no other sanitation. Each family is supposed to receive  a landplot of 5x12 meter located at 48 Km from Borei Keila and 124$.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Da, Oudong (Kandal). 5/01/2012: Some of the 120 families evicted from Borei Keila try to avoid the heat under makeshift shelters. There are two wells nearby but no other sanitation. Each family is supposed to receive a landplot of 5x12 meter located at 48 Km from Borei Keila and 124$.

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