© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Vann Nath leaving us?

Vann Nath, one of the very few survivors of S21, suffered a stroke and is in a coma.

Richard Rechtman, Psyhiatrist and Anthropologist, said about him : “Vann Nath is probably the first witness I meet who bears witness to nothing but forces the others to testify”.

See this and this

CAMBODIA. Kambol (Phnom Penh). 17/02/2009: Vann Nath, painter and Tuol Sleng survivor, at opening of Duch, alias Kaing Geak Eav, S21 director, trial at the ECCC.

CAMBODIA. Kambol (Phnom Penh). 17/02/2009: Vann Nath, painter and Tuol Sleng survivor, at opening of Duch, alias Kaing Geak Eav, S21 director, trial at the ECCC.

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