© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Match 104 has Bamboo

From the Water in Sahel story…

And from the Mountain People story…

BURKINA FASO. Koro. 23/03/1985. Collecting water at the river.

BURKINA FASO. Koro. 23/03/1985. Collecting water at the river.

LAOS. Kassia. 25/03/1994: Hmong minority cutting bamboo to build a temporary shelter at a far-off field.

LAOS. Kassia. 25/03/1994: Hmong minority cutting bamboo to build a temporary shelter at a far-off field.

Do you remember the rules for the ‘Match’ series?
Rule Nr 1: two pictures, similar in content or style, but taken 15 years apart.
Rule Nr 2: rules may be overruled…
Just one way to revisit the archive…

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