© John Vink / Magnum Photos


It’s a Dog’s Life in Match 97

MALAWI. Kunyinda. 27/06/1991: Dog in Mozambican refugee camp.

MALAWI. Kunyinda. 27/06/1991: Dog in Mozambican refugee camp.

CAMBODIA. Toul Sambo (Phnom Penh). 28/08/2009: Dogs belonging to a family from Borei Keila with at least one HIV positive family member which was evicted and gathered end of July to Toul Sambo, located 20Km from the city.

CAMBODIA. Toul Sambo (Phnom Penh). 28/08/2009: Dogs belonging to a family from Borei Keila with at least one HIV positive family member which was evicted and gathered end of July to Toul Sambo, located 20Km from the city.

Do you remember the rules for the ‘Match’ series?
Rule Nr 1: two pictures, similar in content or style, but taken 15 years apart.
Rule Nr 2: rules may be overruled…
Just one way to revisit the archive…

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