© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Tomorrow night the evictions are stopping…

Wishfull thinking yes…

Metahouse will host a STOP EVICTIONS night on March 10th. Films to be screened include Channel 4’s ‘Cambodia is Selling the Killing Fields’ and ‘A Country for Sale’ by Nana Yuriko (2009, 60 mins).

I will contribute a slideshow (hopefully x sound) which is just a sample of evictions I have witnessed over the last 10 years…

You can see all my eviction stories at length and BIG size on my new website.

A book dummy about Cambodian evictions in .pdf format can be downloaded here (still waiting for a publisher by the way).

Here is a picture which will not feature in the slideshow:

CAMBODIA. Kandal Steung (Kandal). 4/04/2010: Police arresting farmers from four adjacent villages in Kandal Steung, Prek Sleng district, blocking road to Takeo, protesting the loss of their land, allegedly sold by their Commune Chief.

CAMBODIA. Kandal Steung (Kandal). 4/04/2010: Police arresting farmers from four adjacent villages in Kandal Steung, Prek Sleng district, blocking road to Takeo, protesting the loss of their land, allegedly sold by their Commune Chief.

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