© John Vink / Magnum Photos


2011: R.I.P. K25 K64 K200

The title of the post is jibberish to you? Means you were born with a digital camera (or not into photography). 2011 will be the first year without Kodachrome 25, 64 or 200 since 1935. The last place processing that type of film closed its doors last thursday.

I did only one serious job with it: MSF activities in Angola in 1997. It was also my first job in colour since many, many years.

No nostalgia. Today it’s all digital. You are just staring at pixels now. Can’t hold them in your hand. So what? It is just being a bit more coherent. A picture is just an idea of reality anyhow.

And so life goes on… HAPPY YEAR 2011 TO ALL…

ANGOLA. Luanda. 28/05/1997: Women in line for pre-natal consultation at Cazenga popular hospital.

ANGOLA. Luanda. 28/05/1997: Women in line for pre-natal consultation at Cazenga popular hospital.

ANGOLA. Cuito. 05/06/1997. Patient at hospital rehabilitated by MSF.

ANGOLA. Cuito. 05/06/1997. Patient at hospital rehabilitated by MSF.

ANGOLA. Luanda: 30/05/1997: Patients waiting for consultation at Ogi Ya Henda hospital.

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