© John Vink / Magnum Photos


Match 36

First pic is from the Water in Sahel story…

BURKINA FASO. Ouagadougou. 28/2/1985.

BURKINA FASO. Ouagadougou. 28/2/1985.

CAMBODIA. Taingkreung (Kompong Speu). 02/02/2006 : Displaced from Taingkreung (Oral district, Kompong Speu). 300 families were evicted from land they occupy at least since 1997 by a colonel from military region III, and had their houses burned down. Some families moved to Phnom Penh to claim back their land, but others went into hiding in the forest, continuing to produce charcoal.

CAMBODIA. Taingkreung (Kompong Speu). 02/02/2006 : Displaced from Taingkreung (Oral district, Kompong Speu). 300 families were evicted from land they occupy at least since 1997 by a colonel from military region III, and had their houses burned down. Some families moved to Phnom Penh to claim back their land, but others went into hiding in the forest, continuing to produce charcoal.

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