DAY 77
That’s it. The last day of the first Khmer Rouge trial. There is just one thing missing: THE VERDICT. But will it make a difference? Will the condemnation of ONE mean the page can be turned? Of course not.

CAMBODIA. Kambol (Phnom Penh). 27/11/2009: The accused as seen on screen in press room on last of the 77 days of Case 001 at the ECCC, with Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, standing trial for crimes against Humanity.

CAMBODIA. Kambol (Phnom Penh). 27/11/2009: Press conference with William SMITH and CHEA Lang, Co-Prosecutors, after the hearings on last of the 77 days of Case 001 at the ECCC, with Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, standing trial for crimes against Humanity.

CAMBODIA. Kambol (Phnom Penh). 27/11/2009: Press conference with Martine JACQUIN, Philippe CANONNE, KONG Pisey, Silke STUDZINSKY and Karim A. A. KHAN, Civil Party Lawyers, after the hearings on last of the 77 days of Case 001 at the ECCC, with Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, standing trial for crimes against Humanity.

CAMBODIA. Kambol (Phnom Penh). 27/11/2009: Public on last of the 77 days of Case 001 at the ECCC, with Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, standing trial for crimes against Humanity.