© John Vink / Magnum Photos


1989/ 2

Got through the re-editing and scanning of 1989 (first trip to Cambodia). Found a few pics. No icons but usefull… Now scanning 1999…

CAMBODIA, Phnom Penh. 22/05/1989: The Tonle Sap port.

CAMBODIA, Phnom Penh. 22/05/1989: The Tonle Sap port.

CAMBODIA. Chhoeung Ek. 20/05/1989: Celebration of Hatred Day, commemorating the invasion of vietnamese troops in Cambodia to liberate it from the Khmer Rouge, at site of mass graves.

CAMBODIA. Chhoeung Ek. 20/05/1989: Celebration of Hatred Day, commemorating the invasion of vietnamese troops in Cambodia to liberate it from the Khmer Rouge, at site of mass graves.

CAMBODIA. Chhoeung Ek. 19/05/1989: Inauguration of a Buddhist temple. Percussions during the ceremony.

CAMBODIA. Chhoeung Ek. 19/05/1989: Inauguration of a Buddhist temple. Percussions during the ceremony.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 20/05/1989: Japanese bridge destroyed during the war.

CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 20/05/1989: Japanese bridge destroyed during the war.

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