The situation is unraveling at Dey Krohom. After a PR operation by the Municipality yesterday during a roundtable organised by the Journalist’s Club to explain the situation on the side of the authorities to the press, (read here in Ka-set) pressure is mounting on the 91 remaining families. Well, make that 89: Kong Nay, the famous chappey player, the bluesman of the Mekong, together with another musician, struck a deal with 7NG company and left. Their house was immediately dismantled by the 7NG employees.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 14/01/2009: Dismantling of the house of Ta Pey, chappey player, sold to 7NG company which wants to develop the Dey Krohom area.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 14/01/2009: Dismantling of the house of Kong Nay, chappey player, sold to 7NG company which wants to develop the Dey Krohom area.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 14/01/2009: Portrait of King Sihamoni discarded during dismantling of the house of Ta Pey, chappey player, sold to 7NG company which wants to develop the Dey Krohom area.
The others tomorrow?