Time to cheat or time to learn?
Over the last three days some 80000 students were passing their final examinations (Bacalauréat) at high schools all over the Kingdom (VIJ2008056).
Cambodia being Cambodia and corruption sneaking in every interstice, there is no reason why these examinations would be fair and square. That is despite police blocking the streets around the schools to prevent cheat sheets from flying over the fence, the closing of photocopy stores near the schools and other strict measures. Somehow, each year, the examination questions are out on the street for grabs (and money) before the students start the tests.
CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh. 5/08/2008: Students passing cheat sheets to friends before examinations at Chaktomuk high school.
You can read that story tomorrow on Ka-set website (www.ka-set.info). That is IF the server is functional again, because right now it is a flatliner… I can’t recommend Maven Hosting to anyone anymore…
Between 5 or 6 hours power outings and surprise server suspensions it isn’t easy to run a website in Cambodia…