Better go Bio
With 80% of its population depending on agriculture and because most of the big money is concentrated in the cities, biological agriculture is probably a good way to go for Cambodia: added value and less investments in fertilizers. It’s more a matter of know-how and some official initiatives to promote and support bio products (VIJ2008036).
Aung Tasom (Takeo). 4/05/2008: Agriculture fair promoting organic producers organised by CEDAC (Centre d’Etudes et de Développement Agricole du Cambodge).
It would have been nice if their sound system hadn’t been so loud..
And these two Aussie guys with big plans are making biodiesel in a garage in the suburbs of Phnom Penh with vegetable oil they collect from restaurants (VIJ2008037).
Phnom Penh. 5/05/2008: Biodiesel producers David FOO and David GRANGER.
You can read more on this in Ka-set tomorrow and on the 13th…